Industrial, TRIO - Workplace Lighting, 2018

‘TRIO’ are modular office dividers which include a lighting element to be used in each room of the office for improved levels of productivity.

The modular aspect allows the product to be used in any desired set up or workplace environment. This allows the user an option on whether they desire to interact with co-workers. The lighting aspect ensures they are working in a well-lit environment which is a large factor when it comes to workplace productivity.

The different lighting options include:

- White Light – Use: Desk / Conference Rooms (Promotes alertness)

- Red Light – Use: Break Rooms (Creates comfort and relaxation)

- Blue Light – Use: Brainstorming Rooms (Improves mood and decreases fatigue)

The inspiration for the project came from wanting to tackle the rising issue of anxiety in society; of which specifically in this case was the rising levels of anxiety in the workplace. This results in a decrease in workplace happiness and productivity that affects many businesses and individuals on a day-to-day basis.

The purpose of the product is to reduce levels of workplace anxiety, meanwhile increasing productivity - resulting in an overall happier workplace.